Songs from Movies

Holiday Inn (1942)

Lovely Linda Mason has crooner Jim Hardy head over heels, but suave stepper Ted Hanover wants her for his new dance partner after fickle Lila Dixon gives him the brush. Jim's supper club, Holiday Inn, is the setting for the chase by Hanover and his manager.

The movie Holiday Inn, released in 1942, features 15 songs from artists like Fred Astaire , Bing Crosby and Virginia Dale at the nightclub. What is your favorite song from Holiday Inn?


Songs from Holiday Inn

I'll Capture Your Heart Singing (1942)
Fred Astaire , Bing Crosby and Virginia Dale at the nightclub
Lazy (1924)
You're Easy to Dance With (1942)
White Christmas (1942)
Happy Holidays (1942)
(Come To) Holiday Inn (1942)
Let's Start the New Year Right (1942)
Abraham (1942)
Be Careful, It's My Heart (1942)
I Can't Tell a Lie (1942)
Easter Parade (1933)
Let's Say It with Firecrackers (1942)
Song of Freedom (1942)
(I've Got) Plenty to Be Thankful For (1942)
Oh, How I Hate to Get Up in the Morning (1918)