Songs from Movies

Aficionados (2010)

'Aficionados' is an experimental film that emerges of a collective creation, from the construction of characters. With a screenplay with no dialogues and without treatment, the actors improvised during the recording days. It was shot in the homes and workplaces of the actors, with sequence shots and handheld camera, and was edited by selecting fragments from different takes, in a sort of elliptical edition.

The movie Aficionados, released in 2010, features 3 songs from artists like Freak Fandango Orchestra. What is your favorite song from Aficionados?


Songs from Aficionados

Que se apague la luz
Ver?nica Ronda, Jos? Mar?a Villarreal and Pablo Rodr?guez
The hug
Freak Fandango Orchestra
Tan lejos
Delicias Caf?