Songs from Movies

Largo al factotum

The song Largo al factotum, was featured in movies like Back Alley Oproar, Blume in Love, Brother Orchid and Canvas. What Movie makes the best use of Largo al factotum in it's soundtrack?

Largo al factotum was featured in the following movies:

Back Alley Oproar
Blume in Love
Brother Orchid
Everybody Does It
Hare We Go
Heaven Help Us
Long-Haired Hare
Magical Maestro
Make Your Own Bed
Notes to You
One Froggy Evening
Rhapsody Rabbit
The Ducktators
The Talking Dog
Tokio Jokio
Tonight and Every Night
U Turn
Under Your Spell
Willie the Operatic Whale
Wise Quackers
You Ought to Be in Pictures
Vorstadtkrokodile 3