Songs from Movies (2001)

Friends since high school, 20-somethings Kaleil Isaza Tuzman and Tom Herman have an idea: a Web site for people to conduct business with municipal governments. This documentary tracks the rise and fall of from May of 1999 to December of 2000, and the trials the business brings to the relationship of these best friends. Kaleil raises the money, Tom's the technical chief. A third partner wants a buy out; girlfriends come and go; Tom's daughter needs attention. And always the need for cash and for improving the site. Venture capital comes in by the millions. Kaleil is on C-SPAN, CNN, and magazine covers. Will the business or the friendship crash first?

The movie, released in 2001, features 8 songs from artists like Air, Sofa Surfers, Richard Herman and John Waite. What is your favorite song from


Songs from

Sofa Rockers
Sofa Surfers
Purple Lilacs
Richard Herman
Money (That's What I Want)
John Waite
Princess Nicotine
Big Lazy
Skinless Boneless
Big Lazy
Curb Urchin
Big Lazy
Donaueschingen (Peter Kruger Remix)
Tr?by Trio